Events Calendar

Moretonhampstead Motor Museum & Lunch
Sunday 19 November 2023
Hits : 1445
Contact Andy Luckhurst

Moretonhampstead Motor Museum followed by lunch at the White Hart.

This has just been arranged and should be really good. We last visited in 2019. Frank the Proprietor is opening specially for us. There is a reduced entry fee of £9 per person. Lunch is £14.50 for one course, £21.50 for two courses, or £26.50 for three courses.

If you are interested in coming, Andy will need to know by 27th October at the latest and if you are coming for lunch, you will need to pay a deposit of £8 per person. You can let Andy know now if you are interested and menus will be sent out to people nearer the time as we’ll need to confirm menu choices a couple of weeks beforehand.

Please pay deposits to the club bank account (see below) and ensure you put your surname and the letters ‘MH’ in the reference field so that it doesn’t get mixed up with other funds like the Christmas lunch.

Bank Account Details:
Barclays Bank
Account Name: TSSC Devon
Sort-Code 20-87-94
Account Number: 83764737

Location Moretonhampstead Motor Museum
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